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Advanced OPG Testing in Hyderabad

Lucid Medical Diagnostics offers the best OPG X-ray for dental examination and treatment planning with a comprehensive imaging of the dental area.

Appointment required: No, First come first serve basis

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About Advanced OPG Testing

The OPG X-ray offered at Lucid Medical Diagnostics is used in dental treatment and regular examinations and is an essential tool for diagnosis. The Orthopantomagram (OPG)  gives dentists an effective, panoramic image that scans both the upper and lower jaws. By giving dentists instant access to images, this technology quickens the process of diagnosis, which otherwise would take a long time. Thus, it is essential for dental assessments and enabling quick and effective treatments.

How to book Advanced OPG Testing in Hyderabad


Contact Us

Reach out to us! Dial us at +91 40 4419 444 or WhatsApp at 73373 44474. You can schedule an appointment through the booking portal on our website.

Provide Information

Provide essential details such as your name, contact information, and any specific requirements or referrals from your healthcare provider if applicable.

Schedule Appointment

Choose your preferred date and time for the scan according to your availability. We will work with you to provide patient comfort and convenience.

Confirm Appointment

Confirm your appointment with the confirmation message. Any further instructions, such as any preparation required before the scan may be provided.

Lucid Diagnostics Provides the Advanced OPG Testing across India

Why Choose Lucid Medical Diagnostics?

Advanced Technology
Equipped with up-to-date, ultramodern imaging technology, including MRI, CT scan, ultrasound, and X-ray machines, ensuring accurate and detailed diagnoses.
Experienced Radiologists
The team of expert radiologists in Hyderabad with extensive experience in the field provides diagnostic results with precision and detailed interpretation.
Patient Comfort and Safety
Lucid Medical Diagnostics prioritizes patient comfort and safety, creating a compassionate and caring environment throughout the imaging and diagnostic process.
Personalized Care
We at Lucid Medical Diagnostics value personalized care, ensuring that each patient receives individual attention and a tailored approach to their radiology needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why do I need an OPG scan from Lucid Medical Diagnostics?

You may require an OPG X-ray scan to diagnose and monitor dental issues including cavities, fractures, jaw dislocation, infections, tumors, sinuses, and teeth impaction.

How can I book an appointment at Lucid Medical Diagnostics for a OPG scan near me in Hyderabad?

Get tested with OPG scan at the best diagnostic facilities in Hyderabad. Dial us at +91 40 4419 444 or at our toll-free number 1800-12345-77. Contact Lucid Medical Diagnostics on WhatsApp at 73373 44474, or schedule an appointment through the booking portal on our website.

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